Our Role
The Doha Exhibition and Convention Centre (DECC) is another gem in Qatari Diar’s list of Qatar-based visual icons.
The Exhibition Centre is destined to become an important regional and international exhibition location, with expansive retail area dedicated to luxury brands and exhibition space.
With parking for nearly 5,000 vehicles and a multi-function hall, the Convention Centre spans an area of 90,000 sqm.
Located in the lively West Bay area of Doha, the Doha Exhibition and Convention Centre will be connected to the Sheraton Park through an underground tunnel that will bring visitors to the naturally crescent-shaped Doha Corniche. – See more at: http://www.qataridiar.com/English/OurProjects/Pages/DohaExhibitionandConventionCentre.aspx#sthash.WVOK9IRC.dpuf