To ensure a successful financial outcome in a dispute or a hearing, a soundly reasoned and evidenced report delivered by an MPG quantum or delay expert could be key.

At MPG, to ensure process can be tracked and data can be quantified our expert chartered surveying team have not only the years of project experience required but the detailed methodical approach to achieve the greatest results.

Regardless of the form of contract and specific detail of any dispute, appointing the right expert witness is essential.

At MPG, we have a depth of knowledge in FIDIC, JCT, NEC and bespoke forms of contract to intrinsically understand the best pathway to evaluate methods of measurement, delay, disruption and value with the necessary audit and accounting skills honed over many years of project involvement.

Wherever you may be in the world, no matter what the sector or size of the dispute, we have you covered. Call us, mail us, tweet us. MPG are here to help regardless of size, sector, or location.