In 2013, I started my triathlon journey with a half Ironman distance race. The following year, I completed the Ironman 70.3 race in St Polten Austria. The experience of racing in an Ironman event was one that grew on me.

After completing a further 20 half distance events I decided that I wanted to complete a full Ironman 226 KM (140 miles).

In June 2022, I completed the Hamburg Ironman race. It was an amazing experience to be able to complete the full distance and achieve my goal. The support of the spectators and volunteers was incredible, and it was an unforgettable experience.

The swim of 2 miles seemed never-ending, when you looked at the course on paper it did not look too bad. However, once in the water it was like I was in their for ages – not the hour and a half it really was.

The 180km (122 mile) bike course followed the swim. I took it easy knowing that I still had a marathon to do after the bike. It was a mixed experience and felt frustrating going slower than I would normally, but I realised that the day was about finishing an Ironman in one piece, and not about going as fast as you can.

Then came the run. I felt pretty good to start and my plan to run for 9 minutes and then walk for a minute worked well for the first 30 odd km of the 42.2km marathon. Then it hit me, starting feeling rough and every step of the run vibrated through my body. Not pleasant. So I walked the last 10km to the end of the race. Soaked up the experience and was energised by the crowd and cheers for me to finish. What a day, I crossed the finish line in 14 hours and was now an Ironman. Its a great feeling and I enjoyed the day. The training I put into the race helped me through. Will I do another one? Who knows….

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