Preparing claims in construction disputes is among the services that we provide to the property sector under the heading of dispute resolution. Here are a dozen times we prepared claims to help clients win their cases.

  1. Defence Dockyard – On behalf of the employer assisting the quantum expert on a dispute with a main contractor associated with a nuclear submarine dry dock, specifically involved with analysing contractor’s alleged delays with a view to determining culpability associated with the engineering services aspect of the works, contractor’s claim for damages approximately £9m
  2. Military Bunker for Trident – On behalf of a mechanical and electrical subcontractor, providing advice and quantum information to the legal team relating to a military bunker, specifically involved with the production of documentation to assist with the valuation of the variation account and analysing the documentation to establish the basis of entitlement relating to prolongation, subcontractor’s claim for damages approximately £5m
  3. Specialist Eye Care Hospital – On behalf of contractor compiling a loss and expense claim including details of causation and quantum, claim value £660k
  4. Academy for Dramatic Arts – Assessing a controls subcontractors account and reporting on the further particulars required relating to the demonstration of the events that caused the delays and quantum particulars, claim value £1m
  5. Hotel Project (5 star) – Assessing a contractor’s account and reporting on the further particulars required in order to enable ascertainment to take place, claim value £1 .2m
  6. Media City – On behalf of an engineering subcontractor, general assistance to demonstrate that they were not culpable for specific delays, i.e. the demonstrating that the dominant cause rests with, for example, variations, delays in builders work activities, claim value £11m
  7. Hotel and Residential Project – Preparing a brief demonstrating causation to form part of a request for an extension of time, a preliminary assessment of the quantum that may flow there from, on behalf of contractor assessed claim value and preparation of final account £18
  8. National Sports Stadium – Drafting an acceleration narrative and quantum and preparation, negotiation and settlement of final account including draft of deeds of agreement, £53m
  9. Airport Terminal – General advice on projects in progress. i.e. when to issue non–completion notices, certificates, valuations, variations under NEC 3 contracts
  10. London Underground – Full Quantity Surveying services including the preparation of Claims amounting to £6m
  11. Residential Project – Independent valuation of variation account and reporting on Quantum. Prolongation and Disruption, totalling £1m
  12. Underground Station Project – Negotiation with LUL representatives, re-drafting variation submissions and checking Quantum for Dispute Team, £11m
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